"Gam ! Gam !" kheun ma.
        Hana soe seu ôt.. Si Gam hana di rumoh. Ma geujeungeuk uyub. Jiyub pi tan cit. "Ho ka jijak aneuk meutuah nyan", kheun ma lom.

        Ma geutrôn leugat. Geungieng keudéh geungieng keunoe. Si Gam hana cit leumah.
        "Untông na dilampôh, "kheun ma. Ma pi geupeukeu u likôt moh. Nyo bit na si Gam sinan. Jéh pat jih, bak sagoe pageue. Jidong sidroe seungab raya. Nyang na meugrak sigo sigo cit meu jaroe.

        "Gam! peue beuet kah sinan, neuk?" tanyong ma. Ma geupeutoe keunan.
        "Neu eu keuh hai ma. Dumnan le ka lôn poh, mantong cit jiteuka," kheun sigam.
        Si Gam jitunyok bak bangké sidom ateueh beunteueng. "Aneuk mak !" kheun ma. Nyoekeuh buet kah seungab that sinoe ! Bèk lé neuk. Buet nyan hana gèt. Lom pih han mée Peue loem tajak inanya ateueh sidom? Sidom hana meudéesya. Sidom hana jipeurugoe geutanyoe. Sabab nyan pakon tabeukaru jih?

        Nyang gèt tatueng tirèe bak sidom.
        Dua peue nyang gèt tatueng peuleuoh sidom.
        Keu sa meujeulih. Keu dua jeumot."
        "Na kakalon watèe jijak sabè jimeurumpok ?"
        "Na," seuôt si Gam. "Nyan kon teungoh jimeurumpok. Nyoe lom, ma ! Nyoe lom !"
        "Nyan bandum jimumat jaroe. Kah na tom kamumat jaroe ?"
        "Han tom."
        "Meunyo meunan meujeulih sidom ngon kah. Lom pih hana binatang nyang jeumot dum sidom," kheun ma lom.

        "Kakalonkeuh sunggôh han ban Jiaeuangkôt. Hana jipiyôh - piyôh sagai. Kadang-kadang raya dabeueh ngon badanjih. Bit pih meunan jimè cit. Han èk sidroe jimeurame."
        "Peue jimè nyan ma ?"
        "Ho jimè peunajôh nyan ?"
        "Jipuwoe keu aneuk peurumohjih. Nyoe le that ka kapoh. Soe keuh puwoe lom peunajôh keu aneuk jih? Sayang aneuk - jih, hana soe bri eumpeuen lé. Yahjih ka maté kapoh lé kah."
        "Han lôn poh lé ma," kheun si Gam.
        "Bit han ?" "Bit". Bôh jak lèh tawoe kamanoe.

Oleh : (Lhèe Saboh Nang)

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Adat Acèh bak riwayat,
Bacut sapat dudoe teuka.
Adat jinoe dilèe bak jad-bajad,
Jinoe sahbat tan lé rupa.

Sopan santon deungon adat,
Reusam adat ganu gana.
Nyang gèt geucok sikrak sapat,
Ban nyang babat ateueh kada.

Peutama phôn dalam kitab,
Bangsa Arab nyang peuteuka.
Meujeulisan lam bab adat,
Sinan le that kheun ulama.

Nyang keudua bak Meulayu,
Nibak Hindu deungon Jawa.
Nibak Cina na sigitu,
Adat Badu ngon Malaka.

Yôh jeuet bangsa ka meutabu,
Arab Badu deungon Manila.
Bangsa Jawa ngon Meulayu,
Le that teungku ureueng teuka.

Hingga rame nanggroe rnakmu,
Murah breueh bu deungon ija.
Nyan keuh sabab adat karu,
Barat timu laén rupa.

Susôn basa rab Meulayu,
Barat timu bacut biza.
Basa Arab na sigitu,
Jampu bau laén pih na.

Bak peukayan dum ban laku,
Ureueng Hindu nyang peuteuka,
Cuba tilék tingkah laku.
Bajèe badu ladum pih na.

Oleh : (Sangga mara oleh T. Mansur)

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Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview

Mac OS X Lion, the next version of Apple’s Mac operating system, got a developer preview release today alongside the introduction of new MacBook Pros. The OS update was announced in October 2010 at Apple’s “Back to the Mac” event. Expectations of an release grew recently as sites reported seeing increased traffic from users with 10.7 on their machines, meaning Apple had ramped up internal testing.

Lion (version 10.7 of OS X) brings a number of features from the iPad to the Mac, among others. Apple breaks down some of the new features in its press release announcing the new developer preview:

Lion features Mission Control, an innovative new view of everything running on your Mac; Launchpad, a new home for all your Mac apps; full screen apps that use the entire Mac display; and new Multi-Touch™ gestures. Lion also includes the Mac App Store℠, the best place to discover, install and automatically update Mac apps.

Mission Control is like Exposé and Spaces on steroids, giving you tons of control over windows and workspace management. Launchpad basically brings iOS home screens to your Mac, allowing you to quickly organize apps. In addition to full-screen and multi-touch gestures, Lion also introduces support for Auto Save and Resume in Mac apps, which should essentially mirror the way apps can quit and jump back to exactly where they left off using iOS’ multitasking features. And Versions should also be great for productivity, as it allows you to compare your current document to past iterations side-by-side.

Another great new change detailed in Apple’s press release is a brand new version of Mail, which brings “an elegant, widescreen layout inspired by the iPad; Conversations, which automatically groups related messages into one easy to read timeline; more powerful search; and support for Microsoft Exchange 2010.” I never stray far from using Mail in OS X, but these changes sound like they’ll be huge improvements to a product that is admittedly showing its age.

The main new features in OS X Lion were all shown off when Apple first unveiled the new operating system, and you can see our more detailed look at each individual aspect of the new OS in Alex’s article about the 10.7 launch announcement. As users dig into the new developer preview, I’m sure we’ll see many more details emerge regarding Apple’s latest major OS update.

Download now Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview (via torent)


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